Days until departure: 2
Sorry for the delay. Things here have been busy, what with finals, grading, hockey championship and dislocated kneecap.
Like I mentioned in a previous entry, I'm borrowing a Canon EOS from a friend. Now, previous to this, all my experience with a camera of this caliber has been in front of it, modelling for my good friend Vinnie. When the news came that I was going to Alaska, nearly everyone exclaimed, "Oh, you'll have to take lots of pictures!" I did agree, but all I own is a crappy point-and-shoot, and I thought if I was going to take pictures, I should at least camera that would do the landscape justice. So, I obtained my friend's Canon, and Vinnie gave me a few crash courses in photography.
For a school field trip at the beginning of this month, I took the Canon out on a practice run, and brought back the best 27 out of nearly 100 photos taken for Vinnie to peruse and advise me on. Here's the cream of the crop.

As part of an entomology and plant identification group, a handful of Chico State students went to Fort Sage Recreation Area, right off Highway 395, near the border of Nevada. The habitat is Great Basin Desert. Although the Great Basin desert is high desert, and as a rule bloody cold this time of year, I think its one of the more beautiful landscapes in the western United States. This picture accurately represents the colors there, the milky-blue sky, pale red sand and juniper and sage greens.

This is an
Castilleja, otherwise known as Indian paintbrush. A striking bit of red among the duller background colors of the desert.

This is the landscape I'm talking about. This is probably one of the best shots from the trip, despite the damn lens flare.

These are
tent caterpillars feasting on a
desert peach. These are all sibling caterpillars - they weave this tent, and then climb out on the limbs to forage on the leaves of the plant.

Sunset, looking east from where we were camped. The rock formation farthest on the right is Sail Rock, a nice distinct landscape.
Since I have many things to do before I fly out on Saturday, I'll be scarce here again. The next time I write here, I should be in Alaska!
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